Πέμπτη 22 Σεπτεμβρίου 2016


This is the EKG of a 75 year old man who was hospitalized for amputation of his right leg due to peripheral ischemic disease.(PAD)

Personal medical history includes
Coronary artery disease which required PCI 5 years ago
Heart failure with reduced ejection fraction due to ischemic disease (EF=35%)
Prosthetic (biologic) aortic valve performed 7 years ago
Peripheral ischemic disease in the contralateral leg

EKG analysis
  • 1.Sinus rhythm.Every QRS complex is preceded by a P wave.Exception is the 9th QRS complex which is not preceded by  a P wave.It also appears prematurely and is followed by a pause.Furthermore it is noted that it is wide (QRS>0.12msec) with a different morphology that the rest (rSR - right bundle branch morphology)
  • 2.Left anterior hemiblock (LAH) - note that the QRS complex is negative in II
  • 3.Right Ventricular Hypertrophy -dominant R wave in V1
  • 4.Left Ventricular Hypertrophy -R in aVL greater than >11mm
  • 5.Old inferior myocardial infarctwaion - Q waves in III and aVF
  • 6.No current ischaemia is noted


This is the EKG of a 95 year old lady who was recently hospitalized for a hip reconstruction surgery after a fall.
She has a medical history remarkable only for hypertension

EKG analysis
  • 1.Sinus rhythm.Every QRS complex is preceded by a P wave.The only exception is the 7th QRS.
It is noted that it is not preceded by a P wave and furthermore it is followed by a pause and it is exactly the same as all the other QRS complexes.Thus this is a premature atrial complex (PAC) probably of  AV node origin since the P wave can not be definitely identified.
  • 2.Normal cardiac axis 
  • 3.Normal QRS duration
  • 4.Normal ST segments (there is a hint of an inverted T in aVL)

Sinus rhythm with one premature atrial complex